chordband » Floor Jansen » Hope
capo: 4th fret[intro]
D Em CD Em C
Glife’s deEmranging
Gyou started Emchanging
Csidelined Di stoGod by
the Gfights worth Emfighting
Gyou were Embiting
Cbut you Dlost this Gtime
hope is where the heart beaEmts on
and even when you changed, and all feelCs wrong
a better day will come if we stand tDall, to give Gus hope
hope is where we’ll meet once Emmore
our journey will continue as beCfore
i hope to meet again; the one i kDnew
you as you Care, Dto sGtay
Gfear’s no Emmentor
Gpain your Emown war
Cthere’s no Dgiving Gup
hope is where the heart beaEmts on
and even when you changed, and all feeCls wrong
a better day will come if we stand Dtall, to give us Ghope
hope is where we’ll meet Emonce more
our journey will continue as beCfore
i hope to meet again; the one i kDnew
you as you Care, D forever Emwith mCe, we sGtay
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