chordband » Elliot James Reay » I Think They Call This Love
capo: 3rd fret[intro]
F GC Am Dm G
[verse (1)]
they Csay Am-- you kDmnow when you kGnow
so, lCet's face it Am-- you Dmhad me at helGlo
E7 hesitation Amnever helps
E7 how could this be Amanything, Ganything Felse Ghee
G when all i Cdream of is your Ameyes
all i Dmlong for is your Gtouch
and, Cdarling, something Amtells me that's eDmnough, hmmGmmm
you can Fsay that i'm a Gfool
and i Amdon't know G- very much D-
but i tFhink they Gcall this Clove Am----Dm----G-
[verse (2)]
one sCmile, one kiss, two Amlonely hearts is Dmall that it Gtakes
now, baby C- you're on my Ammind, every Dmnight, every Gday
E7 good vibrations Amgetting loud
E7 how could this be Amanything, Ganything Felse heGee
when all i dCream of is your Ameyеs
all i Dmlong for is your Gtouch
and, Cdarling, something Amtells me that's еDmnough, hmGm
you can Fsay that i'm a Gfool
and i Amdon't kGnow very Dmuch
but i tFhink they Gcall this Clove Am--
[post chorus]
oh, i tFhink they Gcall this Dlove
Bm Em AD Bm Em A
[pre chorus]
Gwhat could this Abe
Bmbetween Ayou and Eme? Goh, Aoh
all i Ddream of is your Bmeyes
all i Emlong for is your Atouch
and, Ddarling, something Bmtells me, tells me, Emit's enouAgh
you can Gsay that i'm a Afool
and i Bmdon't Emknow very Ammuch
but i tGhink they Acall
oh, i Emthink they Acall
yes, i tGhink they Acall
this Dlo--Bmho--Emho--Aho-Dove this love
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