chordband » Ruel & DMA'S » What A Life
capo: 4th fret[verse (1)]
G sometimes i Dwait up late
to Emsee the sun come aCround
G it always Dseems so simple
Cnot a shred of Amdoubt
ohG, until you Dwash it off
the Emfear never comes Cout
G and when you cDlose those gates
the Creal you can't be Amfound
Cwelcome to my Glife, what a Dlife, always dreamin'
Cbeating on my Gheart, my broken Dheart, oh, yeah
a Chundred thousand Gtimes, oh, what a Dtime
it Cleads me to your Garms, your open Darms
Cwait till the end of it
Gyou can imagine it
Deven for a little bit
Devеry now and then
send a Cmessagе wait till the end of it
Gyou can imagine it
Deven for a little bit, every now and then
[verse (2)]
G in a Dlonely, aching Emmoment
you're still Clearning to speak your Gmind
keep your Dfocus, you're not Cbroken
just move Amon to something better
Cwelcome to my Glife, what a Dlife, always dreamin'
Cbeating on my Gheart, my broken Dheart, oh, yeah
a Chundred thousand Gtimes, oh, what a Dtime
it Cleads me to your Garms, your open Darms
Cwait till the end of it
Gyou can imagine it
Deven for a little bit, every now and then
send a Cmessage, wait till the end of it
Gyou can imagine it
Deven for a little bit, every now and then
send a Cmessage, wait till the end of it
Gyou can imagine it
Deven for a little bit, every now and then
send a Cmessage, wait till the end of it
Gyou can imagine it
Deven for a little bit, every now and then
send a Cmessage
Cwait till the end of it
Gyou can imagine it (welcome to my life)
Deven for a little bit, wait till the end of it
Cyou can imagine it (beating on my heart)
Geven for a little bit (it leads me to your arms)
yeah, Dwelcome to my life
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