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Basic Chords Samu Haber - Hideaway



chordband » Samu Haber » Hideaway

capo: 2nd fret
G G Am DG G Am D
[verse (1)]
G  i won't go explaAminin' this paiDn on my cheGst
it won't let goAm, but i'm dDoin' my beEmst
holdin' uCp these fouDr white walEmls
tryin' to looCk for opeDn dooGrs
how much should i dreAmam 'bout a plaDce in the suGn
it's getting fuAmrther, the haDrder i ruEmn
got me feCelin' ouDt of touEmch
gm i asCkin' muDch too muGch?
Am  all the world is goiDn' crazy
and Geverythin' i knoCw
Am  is that i know noDthin' lately
Gmaybe, can we goC?
Am  shut out the noise and turDn down all the lights
G  let's leave todaCy
Am  come close, beD my hideaway
G G Am DG G Am D
[verse (2)]
there's so much hatAme, it feels likDe we're possesseGd
like love and patiAmеnce are undeDr arrеEmst
when i losCe my faiDth in gooEmd
i just loCok at yoDu
i Gdon't need a pAmlane that would taDke me awaGy
'cause you take Amme to this maDgical plaEmce
every Csecond theDre makes senEmse
yeah, i waCnna go baDck again
Am  all the world is goDin' crazy
and Geverythin' i knoCw
Am  is that i knoDw nothin' lately
Gmaybe, can we goC?
Am  shut out the noise and turDn down all the lights
G  let's leave todaCy
Am  come close, ohD, come close
Am  tears are runnin' dowDn my face, and
and Gi can't take no morCe
Am  you're the only onDe who saves me
oh Gbaby, can we goC?
Am  shut out the noise and turDn out all the lights
G  let's leave todaCy
Am  come close, Dbe my hideawaGy
G G Am DG G Am DG G Am DG G Am D

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This is a website with music topics, released in 2016. We have a lot of very accurate guitar keys and song lyrics. Our guitar keys and ukulele are still original. We created a tool called transpose to convert it to basic version to make it easier for beginners to learn guitar tabs.

About Samu Haber

Samu Aleksi Haber (born 2 April 1976) is a Finnish singer, songwriter, television music competition judge and entrepreneur. He was the lead vocalist and frontman of pop-rock band Sunrise Avenue. Haber's father's family is from Germany, but his family has always lived in Finland. He has one sister, Sanna (born 23 January 1978) and one brother, Santtu (born 29 January 1989).

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