chordband » Laufey » From The Start
capo: 1st fret[verse (1)]
don't you Amnotice Emhow
Ci get quiet when there's no Dmone else aEmround?
Cme and you and awkward silence
Dm don't you Cdare look atEm me that Eway
Dmi don't need reminders of how Cyou don't feel the same
[verse (2)]
oh, the Amburning Empain
Clistening to you harp on 'bout some Dmnew soulEmmate
C"she's so perfect, " blah, blah, blah
Dmoh, how i Cwish you'll wake Emup one Eday
Dmrun to me, confess your love, at Cleast just let me say
that Dmwhen i talk to you
oh, Ccupid walks right through
and Dmshoots an arrow through my Cheart
and i Dmsound like a loon
but Cdon't you feel it too?
conDmfess i loved you from the Cstart
Em bi-ya-ba-Cda
ba-ba-da-ba-Dmda, da-da, da-Cda
bi-ya-Dmdi, ya-ba-Gda
ba-Embi, ya-da-ba-da-Dmba, ba-da-ba-di
ya-Fba-bi, ya-Gda, da-da
[verse (3)]
what's a Amgirl to Emdo
Clying on my bed, staring Dminto the bEmluе?
Cunrequited, terrifying
Dm lovе is Cdriving me a Embit inEsane
Dmhave to get this off my chest, i'm Ctelling you today
that Dmwhen i talk to you
oh, Ccupid walks right through
and Dmshoots an arrow through my Cheart
and i Dmsound like a loon
but Cdon't you feel it too?
conDmfess i loved you from the Cstart
conDmfess i Gloved you
just Amthinking of you
i Dmknow i've loved you from the Cstart
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