chordband » Jordan Davis » Next Thing You Know
capo: 5th fret[intro]
C Am G F
[verse (1)]
you swear that you're stCayin' single, next thing you know
you meet a girl at a Ambar and next thing you know
you get her lauGghin', it's 2am
you're tellin' your buFddies, three months in
that she ain't movin' Cin, the next thing you know
there's a u-haul traAmiler, the next thing you know
your old apaGrtment, is y'all's new place
there goes the cFarpet but the deer head stays
next thing you kCnow
you're savin' money like never before, jusAmt to
spend it all at a jewelry store
gettin' dGown on one knee on hеr mama's porch
just pFrayin' she don't say, "no"
next thing you kCnow
your best man givеs a half-drunk speech and yAmou're
sunburnt on a honeymoon beach and yoGur
left hand's gettin' used to that ring
and tFhere the next two or three years go
next thing you kCnow
C Am F
[verse (2)]
you weren't really trCyin', next thing you know
there's a test on the coAmunter, next thing you know
she's standin' there cGryin', noddin' her head yes
you're half exFcited, half scared to death
'cause next thing you kCnow
you're wearin' scrubs and a funny white hat and tAmhe
doctor's sayin', how you doin' there dad Gand
nobody's ever called you that
and you tFake that drive home slow
next thing you kCnow
it's first steps, first dates, first car
it's 1Am1:01 wonderin' where they are
you're sGayin' that usc's too far
it's aFmazing how fast seventeen years go
next thing you kCnow Am
F next thing you Cknow Am
F next thing you Cknow
you get to know your wife again and yAmou're
more in love than you've ever been
with a lGot of years of remember when's and sFtill some down the road
'cause next thing you kCnow
you got a yard full of your kid's kids
and yAmou take 'em to church, teach 'em to fish
and yGou, tell 'em stories every chance you get
abFout how fast this life down here can go
next thing you kCnow
(next thing you kAmnow, oFoh)
next thing you knCow
(next thing you kAmnow, oFoh) C
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