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Basic Chords Jessie Jordan - Mending Fences



chordband » Jessie Jordan » Mending Fences

capo: 4th fret
G Am C CG Am C C
G  saw your Fname on the Cmarquee Gsign
G  in this sleepy little Cblack creek town of Gmine
G  they really Fthought you were CsomebodyG and so didAm i
‘aint it Cfunny how the rhinestonesG lied
G  dusty Fpromises and Csmoky sGcreens
G  you were Cgolden and i was Ggreen
G  you stitched your Fstory from old Cglory and Gbroken drAmeams
'aint it Cfunny when when karma’sG mean
C  aint nobody wants a Dhas been outlaw
Bm  empty pocketed reCbel with no cause
C  so take my money if the Dtruth don’t weigh you Emdown
you Ambroke my spirit like a cherokee pony
Gpaid my dues but you still don’t ownC me
you keep preCtending while i’m menGding fenceCs
G  the sun comes Fup on a Cbrand new Gday
G  i thank my Ccallused hands for what they Gsay
G  worked my Ffingers to the Cbone to reGbuild what you took aAmway
'aint it Cfunny what goes around comes toG stay
C  aint nobody wants a Dhas been outlaw
Bm  empty pocketed reCbel with no cause
C  so take my money if the Dtruth don’t weigh you Emdown
you Ambroke my spirit like a cherokee pony
Gpaid my dues but you still don’t ownC me
you keep preCtending while i’m menGding fenceCs
[post chorus]
Fi’m not bitter i’m better off
Clearn the hard way makes you pretty tough
i Gwouldn’t cChange the Gpast D
i Fhealed my heart searched my soul
Ci was not your first rodeo
Gi wont be your Clast
C  aint nobody wants a Dhas been outlaw
Bm  empty pocketed reCbel with no cause
C  so take my money if the Dtruth don’t weigh you Emdown
you Ambroke my spirit like a cherokee pony
Gpaid my dues but you still don’t ownC me
you keep preCtending while i’m menGding fenceCs, mending fences

About Jessie Jordan

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Author: Panji Prasetyo

Published: 1 year ago

View: 580 times


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