
Smile So Much

singer Jelly Roll

Album : Beautifully Broken
Released : October, 2024
Genre : Country

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Posted : October 16, 2024

Chords used Am, Em, F, C, G, Dm

capo: 2nd fret
Am Em FAm Em F
[verse (1)]
i Amprayed for calmer waters
god Emgave me taller waves
i Fdidn't understand it 'til
i Cwound up findin' sGtrength
i Amkicked rocks at the bottom
like Emtin cans on the street
you Fname it, man, i fought
and learned to Cturn the other cheek
[pre chorus]
Am--with all the hell thrown Emat me
lot of people Fask me
how are you so Chappy?
if you'd Fseen all the tears i Ccried
you would know wGhy i Dmsmile so Fmuch
fought the hate i Cfight
you would know wGhy i Dmtry to Flove
even when it's Chard
even when it Gfeels like fallin' aDmpart
if you'd Fseen all the tears i Ccried
you would know wGhy
i Dmsmile so Fmuch C----G-
Dmsmile so Fmuch C-
you would know wGhy
i Dmsmile so Ammuch
[verse (2)]
i've Amfilled my mind with struggles
i've Emwatched my brothers bleed
i've Fhad nights that i wouldn't wish
on Gmy worst enemy
when you Ammake it out the shadows
you Emwanna be a light
Fevery day's a blessin'
when you sGhouldn't be alive
[pre chorus]
Am--with all the hell thrown at Emme
lot of people Fask me
how are you so Chappy?
if you'd Fseen all the tears i Ccried
you would know Gwhy i Dmsmile so Fmuch
fought the hate i Cfight
you would know Gwhy i Dmtry to Flove
even when it's Chard
even when it Gfeels like fallin' aDmpart
if you'd Fseen all the tears i Ccried
you would know Gwhy
i Dmsmile so Fmuch C----G-
Dmsmile so Fmuch C----G----Dm--
if you'd Fseen all the tears i Ccried
you would know wGhy i Dmsmile so Fmuch
fought the hate i Cfight
you would know wGhy i Dmtry to Flove
even when it's Chard
even when it Gfeels like fallin' aDmpart
if you'd Fseen all the tears i Ccried
you would know Gwhy
i Dmsmile so Fmuch C----G-
Dmsmile so Fmuch C-
you would know wGhy i Dmsmile so much