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Basic Chords Gigi Perez - Sailor Song



chordband » Gigi Perez » Sailor Song

capo: 4th fret
C Em C Em
[verse (1)]
i Csaw her in the Emrightest way
Glooking like anne hathaway
Claughing while she Emhit her pen
and Gcoughed, and coughed
and tChen she came up Emto my knees
Gbegging baby would you please
Cdo the things you Emsaid you’d do
to Gme, to me
oh, won’t you Ckiss me on the mouth
and Emlove me like a sailor
and wGhen you get a taste can you tell me what’s my flavor?
i Cdon’t believe in god
but i beEmlieve that you’re my savior
my Gmom says that she’s worried but i’m covered in his favor
and Cwhen we're getting dirty
i forEmget all that is wrong
i sGleep so i can see you cause i hate to wait so long
i sCleep so i can see you
and i Emhate to wait so long G-
[verse (2)]
she Ctook my fingers Emto her mouth
the Gkind of thing that makes you proud
that Cnothing else Emhad ever
worked Gout worked out
and Cmaybe i tried Emother things
but Gnothing can capture the sting
Cof the venom Emshe's gonna spit Gout, right now
oh, won’t you Ckiss me on the mouth
and Emlove me like a sailor
and wGhen you get a taste can you tell me what’s my flavor?
i Cdon’t believe in god
but i beEmlieve that you’re my savior
i Gknow that you’ve been worried, but you’re dripping in my favor
and wChen we’re getting dirty
i forEmget all that is wrong
i sGleep so i can see you, cause i hate to wait so long
i sCleep so i can see you
and i Emhate to wait so long G-
[verse (3)]
and Cwe can runaway
to the Emwalls inside your house
Gi can be the cat baby you can be the mouse
Cwe can laugh off things
that we Emknow nothing about
Gwe can go forever, or until you want to sit it out

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Author: Admin

Published: 6 months ago

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