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Basic Chords David Kushner - Skin And Bones



chordband » David Kushner » Skin And Bones

capo: 4th fret
Am Em G DAm Em G D
[verse (1)]
Em  i fantasized i Gfeel you like a bullet C-
and all your Dlayers to the fullest Em--
but the Gheavens won't condone it C-
hm-Emmm, hm-mm
you deGceiving, wayward woman C-
you're a false Dprophet at the pulpit Em--
the condition of your Gsoul is eroding C-
wrap me in your Amskin and bones, yeah, you're eEmlectrical
oh, i'm gonna Glose control, yeah, as you Dpull me close
wrap me in your sAmkin and bones, yeah, you're eEmlectrical
oh, i'm gonna Glose control D-
[verse (2)]
Em  as your flatter talk sGhivers down my spine C-
i hear the holy one exDposing all the lies Em--
lord, forgive me, i kGnow my flesh needs to die C-
Em  she has the lips Gred as cherry wine
a Cpoisonous kiss, she's Dpart of the swine Em--
our salvation Gwon't be sacrificed C-
wrap me in your Amskin and bones, yeah, you're eEmlectrical
oh, i'm gonna Glose control, yeah, as you Dpull me close
wrap me in your Amskin and bones, yeah, you're eEmlectrical
oh, i'm gonna Glose control D-
but Ami wanna stop, yeah, Emi just need to see
Gif your love's the truth or the sDpirit of deceit
so, Ami wanna talk, baby, Emgive it all to me
there's honey Gdripping from your teeth D-
wrap me in your Amskin and bones, yeah, you're eEmlectrical
oh, i'm gonna Glose control, yeah, as you Dpull me close
wrap me in your Amskin and bones, yeah, you're eEmlectrical
oh, i'm gonna Glose control D-
wrap me in your Amskin and bones, yeah, you're eEmlectrical
oh, i'm gonna Glose control, yeah, as you Dpull me close
wrap me in your Amskin and bones, yeah, you're eEmlectrical
oh, i'm gonna Glose control D-
wrap me in your Amskin and bones, yeah, you're eEmlectrical
oh, i'm gonna Glose control, yeah, as you Dpull me close
wrap me in your sAmkin and bones, yeah, you're eEmlectrical
oh, i'm gonna Glose contDrol
Am Em G DAm Em G DAm Em G D

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About David Kushner

David Alan Kushner II (Born: September 6, 2000) is an American singer-songwriter. Raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, he moved to Los Angeles, California, and began releasing music.

15 chords by David Kushner

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