chordband » Christopher » A Beautiful Life
capo: 4th fret[intro]
G"baby, i'm pregnant", she sBmaid
and i saw my wEmhole life
flash before Cmy eyes
Gso much for planning aheBmad
we're gonna be Emall right
there won't be a rCight time
oh, i said, "iD am Emway too Cyoung"
i'm just a kDid, i cEman't raCise one
it feels like my life is Gover
feels like my future's crGbmushed
and i'm gonna miss the tEmimes when
it was just the two of Cus
i don't ever want to lGet go
of everything that i loGbmve
i sure feels like dEmying
Dsaying gooCdbye
to my beautifuGl life
"daddy, i can't sleep", she sBmaid
can you leave the liEmght on?
and please sing me mCy song
Gand i can't help but think to myseDlf
those green eyes and bEmrown curls
turned into my whCole world
she's grDowingEm up so Cfast
if only Di could Emmake it Clast
it feels like my life is Gover
feels like my future's crDushed
cause my baby's getting oEmlder
tomorrow she'll be all grown Cup
i don't ever wDant to Glet go
of everything that i loDve
i turn off the lEmights
Dand say good nCight
Dto my beautiful Glife
pack her bags and ready to gDo
we look at each otEmher
she looks like her mCother
Goff to chase dreams of her oDwn
she cries in the bEmackseat
as we wave at the tCaxi
oh, our bDaby's EmmovingC out
leaving this hDome anEm empty hCouse
feels like my life is oGver
feels like my future's crGbmushed
and i'm gonna miss the tEmimes when
it was just the three of Cus
i don't ever waDnt to Glet go
of everything that i lDove
it sure feels like dEmying
Dsaying goodbCye
to my beaDutiful lGife
to my beautiful lEmife D C
G"baby, i'm pregnant", she sBmaid
and i saw my wEmhole life
flash before my eCyes
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