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Basic Chords Catie Turner - One Day



chordband » Catie Turner » One Day

no capo!
[verse (1)]
F  sitting oDmn the bathroom floor
F  asking mBbe to marry you
F  kissing 'cuDmz you're serious
Bband i don't have an answer
F  kind of glaDmd you didn't order
F  a diamond rinBbg you can't afford 'cuz
F  i feel likDme we're moving forward
Bbfaster than i planned for
let's take it Fone Dmday
one day at a Atime, i wouldn't Bbmind
letting "FsomeDmday" stay undeAfined
'cuz right now feels Bbright how
F  how perfectly it's pDmlaying out
A  so why not wait and Bbtalk about
Fone Dmday, Aone Bbday
[verse (2)]
F  a year agDmo i lived at home
F  you played guitarBb, your hair was long
F  and i was writiDmng different songs
Bbthat i was scared to show you
F  now you're looking at the futurDme like we're in control
A  baby, i'll be here foBbr what the future holds
F  we're too younDmg to think we know
the Bbways we're going to grow up
let's take it Fone Dmday
one day at a Atime, i wouldn't Bbmind
letting "FsomeDmday" stay undeAfined
'cuz right now feels Bbright how
F  how perfectly it's pDmlaying out
A  so why not wait and Bbtalk about
Fone Dmday, Aone Bbday
[post chorus]
Fooh Dm-- can you just Alook me in the Bbeyes
i don't want to Flose youDm
forever will Abe there down the Bbline
let's take it Fone Dmday
one day at a Atime, i wouldn't Bbmind
letting "FsomeDmday" stay undeAfined
'cuz right now feels Bbright how
F  how perfectly it's pDmlaying out
A  so why not wait and Bbtalk about
Fone Dmday, Aone Bbday
Fone Dmday, Aone Bbday

About Catie Turner

Biodata is not yet available.

2 chords by Catie Turner

  1. CHORDS One Day
  2. CHORDS Hide And Seek

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Author: Admin

Published: 4 years ago

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