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Basic Chords Austin Williams - Broken Things Break Things



chordband » Austin Williams » Broken Things Break Things

capo: 1st fret
C D Em D
[verse (1)]
G  i've seen some shit that'll Cmake a man out of men
D  every night i close my eyes and see it all again
Em  i've been drinking and thinking but i don't that it's Dworking
ain't nothing covering up this Churt, that i'm running from damn near every night
D  i've been running outta room, got nowhere to Emhide
can't find my way out but i've been Dsearching
in a Gbetter world, better pClace
i'd be the Dman you'd come home to but right now that won't do
Emi'm a storm you don't wanna walk into
a Ddark time you don't wanna get through
so Gtrust me girl, walk aCway
beDfore you become the next mess that i make
Emi know you think you can Csave me
but Dbaby, i'm broken and broken things breakC things D-
[verse (2)]
yeah, i've been going through Chell, no telling when i'll get back
led a Dcouple other angels down this one way track
it's a Emlonely, lonely never-ending path
Ddon't get caught up in that
in a Gbetter world, better pClace
i'd be the Dman you'd come home to but right now that won't do
Emi'm a storm you don't wanna walk into
a Ddark time you don't wanna get through
so Gtrust me girl, walk aCway
beDfore you become the next mess that i make
Emi know you think you can Csave me
but Dbaby, i'm broken and broken things breakC things D- baby, i'm broken and broken things break
Emunbroke hearts like Dyours
what'd you wanna Cwaste that on me Dfor?
in a Cbetter world, better place
i'd be the Dman you'd come home to
Dbut right now that won't do
Emi'm a storm you don't wanna walk into
a Ddark time you don't wanna get through
so Ctrust me girl, walk away
beDfore you become the next mess that i make
Emi know you think you can save me
but Dbaby, i'm broken and broken things brCeak things
Dbaby, i'm broken and broken things brEmeak things
Dbaby, i'm broken and broken things brCeak things

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Author: Admin

Published: 5 months ago

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