
Song Joong Ki Becomes a North Korean Defector in the FILM My Name is Loh Kiwan

Song Joong Ki Becomes a North Korean Defector in the FILM My Name is Loh Kiwan - 105

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My Name Is Loh Kiwan is a Korean drama film starring Song Joong Ki and Choi Sung Eun. The film is adapted from the novel I Met Loh Kiwan by Jo Hae Jin. The film tells the story of Loh Kiwan, a North Korean defector who tries to obtain refugee status in Belgium, and Marie, a woman who has lost hope in life. The film will be released on Netflix on March 1, 2024.
[h3]Some interesting facts about the film are:[/h3]
[li]This is the first film of Song Joong Ki after his success with the drama Vincenzo and Space Sweepers in 2023.[/li]
[li]Choi Sung Eun is a newcomer actress who previously starred in the drama The Sound of Magic and Yumi’s Cells: The Movie.[/li]
[li]The film is directed by Kim Hee Jin, who also directed the films The Man Standing Next and The Spy Gone North.[/li]
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