
Lizzo was sued by three former dancers for sexual harassment

Lizzo was sued by three former dancers for sexual harassment - 81

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Three former members of Lizzo’s dance team have filed a lawsuit against the singer and her production company, alleging that they faced harassment and a hostile work environment while working for her.
The plaintiffs, who are represented by lawyers, sued Lizzo, Big Grrrl Big Touring, Inc. (BGBT), and a person identified as a “dance captain” in the Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday.
The lawsuit includes several claims of misconduct by Lizzo and her associates. One of the plaintiffs said he was pressured by Lizzo to “touch a naked performer” at a club in Amsterdam’s Red Light District during a tour in February, even though he repeatedly said he did not want to. He eventually “gave in” to avoid retaliation, according to the lawsuit.
Another plaintiff said that Lizzo questioned her commitment to the dance team and implied that she was concerned about the plaintiff’s “weight gain”. The plaintiff felt forced to “justify her weight gain” and reveal personal details about her life to keep her job.
The lawsuit also accuses some of Lizzo’s employees of discriminating against the plaintiffs based on their race and religion. For example, the lawsuit alleges that an accountant from BGBT’s mostly white management team treated the black dancers harshly for their behavior on tour, using language that was “filled with” racial and fat-phobic hostility.
Lizzo is a Grammy-winning artist who is known for promoting body positivity and empowerment in her music.
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