
Indonesian motivator "Mario Teguh" allegedly embezzled 5 billion rupiah

Indonesian motivator 'Mario Teguh' allegedly embezzled 5 billion rupiah - 79

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The case of alleged embezzlement of Rp 5 billion or ($329.572,00 USD) involving motivator Mario Teguh has entered a new phase. The police have started an investigation and will examine witnesses. As we know, Mario Teguh was reported by a skincare businessman, Sunyoto Indra Prayitno, to the Metro Jaya Regional Police.
The reporter initially met with Mario Teguh and his wife at the airport. At that time, the reporter conveyed that if he used Mario Teguh’s services, Sunyoto Indra Prayitno’s skincare company would get a large turnover.
To Sunyoto, Mario talked about followers of tens of millions who would benefit his business. “If you use us then every month your turnover can be tens of billions. Because we have people all over Indonesia,” said the reporter’s attorney, Djamaludin Koedoeboen, quoting Mario Teguh’s statement when met at Metro Jaya Regional Police on Thursday (13/7).
However, in its journey, the reporter felt that what was promised was not appropriate. Sunyoto Indra Prayitno finally reported Mario Teguh and his wife to the police. Mario Teguh himself has denied the allegations of fraud and embezzlement of Rp 5 billion.
Mario Teguh and his wife were reported to Polda Metro Jaya for alleged fraud and embezzlement of Rp. 5 billion. This case began when Mario Teguh was appointed as one of the brand ambassadors for beauty products by the reporter.
Mario and his wife met the reporter at the airport and their relationship grew closer. Reporters are lured to get enormous benefits if they use the services of Mario Teguh. However, it turned out that Mario Teguh and his wife were absent from the agreement even though they had received some money from the complainants. In fact, the reporter has fulfilled all of Mario Teguh's requests so he can continue to promote the reporter's brand.
Finally, the reporter reported Mario Teguh and his wife on June 19, 2023 with numbers LP/B/3505/V/2023/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA. Based on the report letter, Mario Teguh and his wife were charged under Articles 372 and 378 with the threat of 4 years in prison on suspicion of embezzlement and fraud.
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