
Here are the TOP 19 Islamic Songs in English So Far

Here are the TOP 19 Islamic Songs in English So Far - 70

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Life is a precious gift from God Allah swt, the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate. He created us with a purpose: to worship Him, to do good deeds, and to spread peace and justice in the world. He also gave us guidance through His prophets and His holy books, such as the Quran and the Sunnah. He loves us and wants us to succeed in this life and the hereafter.
We should be grateful for everything He has given us, and praise Him in every situation. We should also trust Him and rely on Him in times of difficulty and hardship. He is the best of planners and He knows what is best for us. He will never burden us with more than we can bear, and He will always provide a way out for us. He is the source of all strength, wisdom, and happiness.
We should also love His creation and treat them with kindness and respect. We should help those who are in need, share what we have, and forgive those who wrong us. We should also respect the diversity of His creation and appreciate the beauty of His signs. We should not harm anyone or anything, nor cause corruption or mischief on earth. We should strive to be good examples for others and invite them to His path.
We should also remember His final messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who was sent as a mercy to all mankind. He taught us how to live according to God’s will, how to worship Him sincerely, how to deal with others ethically, and how to face challenges bravely. He was the best of creation, the most noble, the most generous, and the most compassionate. He was loved by God and by his followers. We should follow his footsteps and send blessings upon him.
If we do all these things, we will be fulfilling our purpose in life, and we will be glorifying God Allah swt. We will also be earning His pleasure, His forgiveness, and His paradise. May God Allah swt guide us all to the straight path and make us among His righteous servants. Ameen.
As for the top of singers who often release Islamic songs in English some of them are Maher Zain and Sami Yusuf.
Maher Zain, a Lebanese-Swedish singer-songwriter who has released several albums such as Thank You Allah, Forgive Me, One, The Best of Maher Zain Live & Acoustic, Huwa AlQuran, etc. Some of his popular songs are Insha Allah, Ya Nabi Salam Alayka, For The Rest Of My Life, Baraka Allahu Lakuma, etc.
Sami Yusuf, a British singer-songwriter who has released several albums such as Al-Mu’allim, My Ummah, Wherever You Are, The Centre, Barakah, etc. Some of his popular songs are Hasbi Rabbi, You Came To Me, Make Me Strong, Ya Rasul Allah (Part 2), etc.
[h2]Here are the TOP 19 English Islamic songs to date:[/h2]
[strong]Ramadan by Maher Zain[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2012)[/b]: This song is about the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims fast from dawn to dusk and increase their worship and charity. The song praises Allah for this blessed time and expresses the joy and peace that Ramadan brings.
[strong]Ya Nabi Salam Alayka by Maher Zain[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2009)[/b]: This song is a salutation to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the messenger of Allah and the leader of all Muslims. The song expresses love, admiration and gratitude for his guidance and mercy.
[strong]Insha Allah by Maher Zain[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2009)[/b]: This song is about having hope and trust in Allah’s plan, and saying “Insha Allah” (if Allah wills) for everything we wish and strive for. The song encourages us to never give up and to always seek Allah’s help.
[strong]Thank You Allah by Maher Zain[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2009)[/b]: This song is a expression of gratitude and praise to Allah for all His blessings and favors upon us. The song acknowledges that everything we have is from Him, and that we can never thank Him enough.
[strong]The Chosen One by Maher Zain[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2009)[/b]: This song is a tribute to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the chosen one by Allah to deliver His final message to humanity. The song describes his noble character, his mercy, his kindness, and his love for all creation.
[strong]Mawlaya by Maher Zain[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2012)[/b]: This song is a supplication to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Master of the Day of Judgment, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. The song asks Allah to bless and protect Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his family, and to grant us his intercession on the Day of Resurrection.
[strong]The Way of Love by Maher Zain feat. Mustafa Ceceli[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2016)[/b]: This song is about following the way of love, which is the way of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who taught us to love Allah, His messenger, His creation, and ourselves. The song celebrates the beauty and joy of love, and invites us to share it with others.
[strong]I Believe by Irfan Makki feat. Maher Zain[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2011)[/b]: This song is a testimony of faith and belief in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Day of Judgment, and the divine decree. The song also mentions some of the miracles and signs of Allah in nature and history.
[strong]Allahi Allah Kiya Karo by Maher Zain feat. Irfan Makki[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2009)[/b]: This song is a reminder to always remember Allah and to invoke His name in everything we do. The song says that Allah is the only one who can help us, protect us, and guide us to the right path.
[strong]You and I by Irfan Makki[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2011)[/b]: This song is about the bond of brotherhood and sisterhood among Muslims, regardless of their race, color, or nationality. The song urges us to unite and support each other, and to follow the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
[strong]Waiting for the Call by Irfan Makki[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2011)[/b]: This song is about longing for the call to prayer (adhan), which is a reminder of Allah’s greatness and our duty to worship Him. The song describes the beauty and tranquility of hearing the adhan, especially in Mecca, the holy city of Islam.
[strong]Palestine by Irfan Makki[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2011)[/b]: This song is a tribute to the people of Palestine, who have been suffering from oppression and injustice for decades. The song expresses solidarity and support for their struggle and their right to freedom and dignity.
[strong]Forgotten Promises by Sami Yusuf[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2012)[/b]: This song is a call for action and solidarity to help the poor and oppressed people around the world, especially in Africa. The song reminds us of our promises to Allah and to humanity, and urges us to fulfill them.
[strong]Hasbi Rabbi by Sami Yusuf[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2005)[/b]: This song is a declaration of faith and trust in Allah, the only one who can help us in times of difficulty and distress. The song repeats the phrase “Hasbi Rabbi”, which means “Allah is sufficient for me”.
[strong]Forgive Me by Ahmed Bukhatir[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2009)[/b]: This song is a plea for forgiveness from Allah for all the sins and mistakes that we have committed. The song acknowledges our weakness and dependence on Allah’s mercy and grace.
[strong]Dream by Saif Adam[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2014)[/b]: This song is about having a dream of meeting Allah and His messenger in paradise, and living in peace and harmony with all the believers. The song inspires us to work hard for our dream and to purify our hearts.
[strong]Trust in Allah by Saif Adam[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2014)[/b]: This song is about having faith and confidence in Allah’s plan, and trusting that He knows what is best for us. The song encourages us to be patient and grateful in times of hardship and ease, and to always remember Allah’s name.
[strong]What Went Wrong by Saif Adam[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2014)[/b]: This song is a reflection on the state of the Muslim ummah (community), and how it has deviated from the teachings of Islam and the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The song urges us to repent and reform ourselves, and to work together for the sake of Allah.
[strong]Allah Knows by Zain Bhikha[/strong] [b style="color:red"](2006)[/b]: This song is about Allah’s infinite knowledge and wisdom, and how He knows everything that happens in our lives, even when we don’t understand it. The song reassures us that Allah is always with us, watching over us, and guiding us to the right path.
There are so many other songs that I would love to share with you, but I have to stop somewhere, and this is where I draw the line. I hope you found some new favorites or rediscovered some old ones from this list.
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